365 Project

I've been meaning to start a 365 project for ages now.  It's simply taking a photograph every day for a year which has seemed a bit much and the reason I haven't started it.  I've got thousands of images of Archer but I've always loved the idea of having an image of him for every day for a whole year of his life.  They change so much when they're little so I feel I've already missed out on quite a bit!

There are no rules, you can start one of these on any day of the year, so I picked today.

  Archer has chicken pox and I don't want to take him anywhere that he might come into contact with any vulnerable people like pregnant women or babies so a park would be out of the question. We might go for a short walk later on today just for some fresh air. 

 In the meantime, here is today's image.  Archer proving that chicken pox will not get him down...
