I met Stanley's Mummy almost a year ago now, although I have known her through the UK TAC Support group for a bit longer.
The TAC or to give it it's full title, Trans-Abdominal Cerclage is a permanent stitch placed at the very top of the cervix to help keep it closed, enabling a pregnancy to be carried to full term. This major surgery is offered to women who have suffered the loss of one or more babies in the second trimester due to an incompetent cervix. I had the surgery at Liverpool Women's Hospital in 2011 after losing baby boys at 23 weeks and 15 weeks in 1998 and 1999. All the women in the support group have had, are waiting for or just want more info about the procedure.
For more info on the group or to join, please click here
Stanley is a Rainbow Baby, which is, just as a rainbow brings joy on a rainy day, a baby born after a loss through miscarriage, pre-term birth, stillbirth or infant loss.
I was so excited to meet Stan, full name; Stanley Rae Jody Smith, who arrived early at 35 weeks. He was a tiny 6lb, still slightly yellow from the jaundice and absolutely, perfectly gorgeous!
The session went from start to finish in a flash as Stan stayed asleep throughout the whole time and only awoke for a feed at the end, a true star.
The beautiful grey and rainbow quilt was made by Mandi Pratt, another lady from the support group, what a talent, we just had to include it in the shoot.
Some images of Stan from his newborn session:
Newborn sessions now being booked for 2017, please book anytime after your 20 week scan. BOOK NOW
or contact me on 07845501654 or Email
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