Aston ~ 12 days | Liverpool Newborn Photographer

I met Aston a little while ago when he was just 12 days old.  His Mummy had a Maternity session booked with me but Aston had other plans and arrived the day before the shoot.  I rang Anita the day before to check all was still on and she was in hospital having given birth to Aston that morning!  Needless to say we then arranged a newborn photo-shoot instead and here he is.  

He slept from start to finish without so much as a peep! 

What a gorgeous newborn baby, 

Look at those adorable little newborn wrinkles!

There's just something about a baby in a basket.

Anita looked absolutely fantastic, you wouldn't think she had just had a baby! So glamourous!  I love this parent pose with Aston looking so content between his proud Mummy and Daddy.

Awwwww....Daddy and Son, enough said!
